Payment and Shipping

At NON-LICENCE® we know how important it is for you to receive your order as quickly and efficiently as possible, which is why we have partnered with UPS as a shipping service provider to deliver orders.
You will receive a confirmation email with tracking number when your order has been shipped.
Be aware that during high demand dates such as collection launches, Black Friday and Christmas it may take a little longer.


Free shipping for all orders from Spain Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Europe zone 1 (Belgium, Germany, Italy, France and Portugal).
All other EU countries have free shipping above 99 €.
For all deliveries outside the EU, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Mellila import duties such as taxes, VAT, etc. may apply. These customs duties or taxes are determined by the destination country and can be significant, so please confirm the situation before placing your order. We are not responsible for any such duties, taxes or requirements, nor for any packages returned for unpaid duties or taxes or non-compliance, and we will not issue refunds in such cases.


Spain: 2 – 3 working days.

Europe zone 1 (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy and Portugal): 2 – 3 working days.

Europe zone 2 (Croatia, Denmark, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Estonia, Greece, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania and Monaco): 2 – 3 working days.

United Kingdom: 3 – 4 working days.

Outside Europe: 5 – 10 working days.


NON-LICENCE® reserves the right to ship any order with a maximum of 3 days of delay.
It is possible that, for any reason or cause beyond our control, an order may be cancelled, in which case we will notify you within a period of less than 48 working hours, accompanied by a refund of the amount in the payment method used by the customer for the purchase.


At NON-LICENCE® you can place your order using different payment methods.
We accept most major credit and debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), Paypal, Apple Pay and in selected countries we accept payments with Bancontact, iDEAL, Przelewy24, Giropay and Multibanco.
Payments are processed through Stripe and PayPal, leaders in online payment processing. With SSL encryption and anti-fraud measures, your financial information is protected.
The bank details entered are encrypted, and we do not have any information about the credit or debit card used by the user to make the purchase.

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